Liquidity And Multi-Lateral Trading Infrastructure
The DMALINK agency model is multi-lateral, meaning all market participants have the ability to access the liquidity of and trade with all participants, on a non-disclosed basis. All trades are cleared through our central clearing counterparty, who can match any buyer with any seller, creating a true client to client trading experience.
Clients can access the liquidity of the DMALINK marketplace using their existing prime brokerage relationship utilising our central clearer model. The CCP is the counterparty on all trades, eliminating the need to establish new lines of credit. The model allows for anonymity, ensuring trades cannot be identified by market makers.
The DMALINK approach to liquidity is agnostic. We work closely with liquidity providers and price takers to create customised liquidity pools based on trading style, location, currency coverage, individual latency requirements and trade size. Liquidity providers and takers are matched accordingly, optimizing fill rates while minimizing rejection rates.